本文共 12093 字,大约阅读时间需要 40 分钟。
关于PostgreSQL的性能调优可以参考《PostgreSQL 9.0 High Performance》,以及朱贤文在2014 PostgreSQL中国用户大会上分享的《高性能Postgres 最佳实践》。当然,首先还是应该看看PostgreSQL手册的相关章节。我们在调优时不必每个细节都做到最优,抓住主要矛盾即可。因为有些东西不在你的控制之下,或者那样优化之后维护起来麻烦。下面尝试在虚机下进行快速的PostgreSQL参数调优。
CPU: 4 core
Mem: 8G OS: CentOS 6.3(64 Bit)PostgreSQL:9.4.5
填入系统信息,并固定最大连接数为300后,选择不同DB Type,这个工具会给出不同的参数。
Web applications
max_connections = 300shared_buffers = 2GBeffective_cache_size = 6GBwork_mem = 6990kBmaintenance_work_mem = 512MBcheckpoint_segments = 32checkpoint_completion_target = 0.7wal_buffers = 16MBdefault_statistics_target = 100
Online transaction processing systems
max_connections = 300shared_buffers = 2GBeffective_cache_size = 6GBwork_mem = 6990kBmaintenance_work_mem = 512MBcheckpoint_segments = 64checkpoint_completion_target = 0.9wal_buffers = 16MBdefault_statistics_target = 100
Data warehouses
max_connections = 300shared_buffers = 2GBeffective_cache_size = 6GBwork_mem = 3495kBmaintenance_work_mem = 1GBcheckpoint_segments = 128checkpoint_completion_target = 0.9wal_buffers = 16MBdefault_statistics_target = 500
上面3种DB Type,越往后写越重,checkpoint的频率也调得越低。由于后面要做OLTP的性能评估,所以选用Online transaction processing systems的设置。
listen_addresses = '*'port = 5432max_connections = 300shared_buffers = 2GBeffective_cache_size = 6GBwork_mem = 6990kBmaintenance_work_mem = 512MBcheckpoint_segments = 64checkpoint_completion_target = 0.9wal_buffers = 16MBdefault_statistics_target = 100logging_collector = onlog_directory = 'pg_log'log_filename = 'postgresql-%Y-%m-%d_%H%M%S.log'log_truncate_on_rotation = onlog_rotation_age = 1440log_rotation_size = 100000log_line_prefix='%m %p %x'wal_level = hot_standby
流复制时需要设置wal_level = hot_standby,单机场景下可以设置其它值以输出更少的WAL日志。
wal_sync_method = fsynccommit_delay = 0synchronous_commit = onfull_page_writes = onfsync = on
用sysbench 做oltp的性能测试,不管使用simple还是complex测试模式,sysbench prepare时创建单个相同的测试表(那就不可能测到join了)。
CREATE TABLE sbtest (id SERIAL NOT NULL , k integer DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL, c char(120) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, pad char(60) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (id) ) CREATE INDEX k on sbtest(k) |
INSERT INTO sbtest(k, c, pad) VALUES (0,' ','qqqqqqqqqqwwwwwwwwwweeeeeeeeeerrrrrrrrrrtttttttttt') |
DROP TABLE sbtest; CREATE TABLE sbtest (id SERIAL NOT NULL , k integer DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL, c char(120) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, pad char(60) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (id) ); CREATE INDEX k on sbtest(k); INSERT INTO sbtest(k, c, pad) select 0,' ','qqqqqqqqqqwwwwwwwwwweeeeeeeeeerrrrrrrrrrtttttttttt' from generate_series(1,5000000); |
postgres=# \d+ List of relations Schema | Name | Type | Owner | Size | Description --------+------------------+----------+----------+------------+------------- public | sbtest | table | postgres | 1056 MB | public | sbtest_id_seq | sequence | postgres | 8192 bytes | (2 rows) |
SELECT c from sbtest where id=$1 |
BEGIN SELECT c from sbtest where id=$1 SELECT c from sbtest where id=$1 SELECT c from sbtest where id=$1 SELECT c from sbtest where id=$1 SELECT c from sbtest where id=$1 SELECT c from sbtest where id=$1 SELECT c from sbtest where id=$1 SELECT c from sbtest where id=$1 SELECT c from sbtest where id=$1 SELECT c from sbtest where id=$1 SELECT c from sbtest where id between $1 and $2 SELECT SUM(K) from sbtest where id between $1 and $2 SELECT c from sbtest where id between $1 and $2 order by c SELECT DISTINCT c from sbtest where id between $1 and $2 order by c COMMIT |
BEGIN SELECT c from sbtest where id=$1 SELECT c from sbtest where id=$1 SELECT c from sbtest where id=$1 SELECT c from sbtest where id=$1 SELECT c from sbtest where id=$1 SELECT c from sbtest where id=$1 SELECT c from sbtest where id=$1 SELECT c from sbtest where id=$1 SELECT c from sbtest where id=$1 SELECT c from sbtest where id=$1 SELECT c from sbtest where id between $1 and $2 SELECT SUM(K) from sbtest where id between $1 and $2 SELECT c from sbtest where id between $1 and $2 order by c SELECT DISTINCT c from sbtest where id between $1 and $2 order by c UPDATE sbtest set k=k+1 where id=$1 UPDATE sbtest set c=$1 where id=$2 UPDATE sbtest set k=k+1 where id=$1 DELETE from sbtest where id=$1 INSERT INTO sbtest values($1,0,' ','aaaaaaaaaaffffffffffrrrrrrrrrreeeeeeeeeeyyyyyyyyyy') COMMIT |
ERROR: duplicate key value violates unique constraint "sbtest_pkey"
/* Prepare the insert statement */ snprintf(query, MAX_QUERY_LEN, "INSERT INTO %s values(?,0,' '," "'aaaaaaaaaaffffffffffrrrrrrrrrreeeeeeeeeeyyyyyyyyyy')", args.table_name); |
/* Prepare the insert statement */ if (args.auto_inc) snprintf(query, MAX_QUERY_LEN, "INSERT INTO %s(k,c,pad) values(0,' '," "'aaaaaaaaaaffffffffffrrrrrrrrrreeeeeeeeeeyyyyyyyyyy')", args.table_name); else snprintf(query, MAX_QUERY_LEN, "INSERT INTO %s values(?,0,' '," "'aaaaaaaaaaffffffffffrrrrrrrrrreeeeeeeeeeyyyyyyyyyy')", args.table_name); |
INSERT INTO sbtest(k,c,pad) values(0,' ','aaaaaaaaaaffffffffffrrrrrrrrrreeeeeeeeeeyyyyyyyyyy') |
注:其实更加正确的做法应该是使用sysbench 0.5而不是0.4,sysbench 0.5没有这个问题,而且0.5支持lua脚本,支持的测试方式更灵活。
[postgres@node1 ~]$ sysbench --test=oltp --db-driver=pgsql --pgsql-host= --pgsql-port=5432 --pgsql-user=postgres --pgsql-password=postgres --pgsql-db=postgres --oltp-table-size=5000000 --num-threads=100 --max-requests=0 --max-time=60 --oltp-test-mode=simple --oltp-read-only=on runsysbench 0.4.12: multi-threaded system evaluation benchmarkRunning the test with following options:Number of threads: 100Doing OLTP test.Running simple OLTP testDoing read-only testUsing Special distribution (12 iterations, 1 pct of values are returned in 75 pct cases)Using "BEGIN" for starting transactionsUsing auto_inc on the id columnThreads started!Time limit exceeded, exiting...(last message repeated 99 times)Done.OLTP test statistics: queries performed: read: 1752165 write: 0 other: 0 total: 1752165 transactions: 1752165 (29200.43 per sec.) deadlocks: 0 (0.00 per sec.) read/write requests: 1752165 (29200.43 per sec.) other operations: 0 (0.00 per sec.)Test execution summary: total time: 60.0048s total number of events: 1752165 total time taken by event execution: 5993.5646 per-request statistics: min: 0.04ms avg: 3.42ms max: 968.42ms approx. 95 percentile: 0.34msThreads fairness: events (avg/stddev): 17521.6500/2549.74 execution time (avg/stddev): 59.9356/0.01
[postgres@node1 ~]$ sysbench --test=oltp --db-driver=pgsql --pgsql-host= --pgsql-port=5432 --pgsql-user=postgres --pgsql-password=postgres --pgsql-db=postgres --oltp-table-size=5000000 --num-threads=100 --max-requests=0 --max-time=60 --oltp-test-mode=complex --oltp-read-only=on runsysbench 0.4.12: multi-threaded system evaluation benchmarkRunning the test with following options:Number of threads: 100Doing OLTP test.Running mixed OLTP testDoing read-only testUsing Special distribution (12 iterations, 1 pct of values are returned in 75 pct cases)Using "BEGIN" for starting transactionsUsing auto_inc on the id columnThreads started!Time limit exceeded, exiting...(last message repeated 99 times)Done.OLTP test statistics: queries performed: read: 1265264 write: 0 other: 180752 total: 1446016 transactions: 90376 (1505.38 per sec.) deadlocks: 0 (0.00 per sec.) read/write requests: 1265264 (21075.27 per sec.) other operations: 180752 (3010.75 per sec.)Test execution summary: total time: 60.0355s total number of events: 90376 total time taken by event execution: 5998.5193 per-request statistics: min: 1.98ms avg: 66.37ms max: 4032.00ms approx. 95 percentile: 161.49msThreads fairness: events (avg/stddev): 903.7600/74.26 execution time (avg/stddev): 59.9852/0.04
[postgres@node1 ~]$ sysbench --test=oltp --db-driver=pgsql --pgsql-host= --pgsql-port=5432 --pgsql-user=postgres --pgsql-password=postgres --pgsql-db=postgres --oltp-table-size=5000000 --num-threads=100 --max-requests=0 --max-time=60 --oltp-test-mode=complex --oltp-read-only=off runsysbench 0.4.12: multi-threaded system evaluation benchmarkRunning the test with following options:Number of threads: 100Doing OLTP test.Running mixed OLTP testUsing Special distribution (12 iterations, 1 pct of values are returned in 75 pct cases)Using "BEGIN" for starting transactionsUsing auto_inc on the id columnThreads started!Time limit exceeded, exiting...(last message repeated 99 times)Done.OLTP test statistics: queries performed: read: 1035986 write: 369995 other: 147998 total: 1553979 transactions: 73999 (1232.77 per sec.) deadlocks: 0 (0.00 per sec.) read/write requests: 1405981 (23422.71 per sec.) other operations: 147998 (2465.55 per sec.)Test execution summary: total time: 60.0264s total number of events: 73999 total time taken by event execution: 5998.7493 per-request statistics: min: 2.69ms avg: 81.07ms max: 547.21ms approx. 95 percentile: 199.32msThreads fairness: events (avg/stddev): 739.9900/23.37 execution time (avg/stddev): 59.9875/0.04
No | 参数 | 说明 | 风险 |
1 | wal_sync_method = fdatasync | WAL刷盘的系统调用,根据之前的测试fdatasync比fsync性能好。但是Linux下的默认值就是fdatasync所以也不同修改。 | 无风险 |
2 | commit_delay = 100 | 提交延迟,单位是微妙(不是毫秒),以进行组提交。 | 设得太大会影响事务的响应时间。 注)实际压测发现效果不稳定。因并发连接数,热数据分布,commit_delay等的不同,有时性能提高有时降低,所以优化这个值要根据实际的应用环境。 |
3 | synchronous_commit = off | 异步提交,WAL刷盘交给OS | OS crash时,可能丢失最近的提交。 |
4 | full_page_writes = off | 在WAL中checkpoint后的第一次修改page时不写全page数据 | 对不支持原子写的文件系统或存储设备上,OS crash时,数据文件会损坏。 |
5 | fsync = off | 不刷盘,完全交给OS刷 | OS crash时,数据文件可能会损坏。 |
./configure --with-blocksize=16
test mode | 8K | 16K |
simple | 29200.43 | 28795.46 |
complex模式且oltp-read-only=on | 1505.38 | 1462.40 |
complex模式且oltp-read-only=off | 1232.77 | 1058.48 |